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 Drawing as aims 


Photographs of black smoke drawings on Bristol paper (50/65cm), made on various supports of varying dimensions depending on the project.

The image would be a burning of the real according to Walter Benjamin. "Revelation" is a series of drawings involving vision, in the image of John W. Draper's research; pyromancy and the development principle of silver photography are at play. The result of an alchemy between two opposing forces, the paper is first sensitised by exposure to fire (light). The prints produced by the burns and the black smoke are then reacted with a liquid, water, which freezes the shapes that are not very well controlled. These drawings, digitised and then printed, create a mise en abime of the image that raises questions about what makes an image in the drawing, what is drawn in the image, as well as the status of the original raised in "The work of art in the age of its technical reproducibility". The image resulting from this alchemy also illustrates the original question by which fire becomes the "first principle of a universe in perpetual becoming" according to Heraclitus, or "a constitutive event of the Universe" according to Gaston Bachelard.

The name gerboise (with a color) was used as a code name by the French government during nuclear tests in the Algerian dessert.

Photo of a drawing made according to the principle of silver development, with fire (for the imprint of light) and liquid fixative to produce a random image as a cosmogony.
Photo of a drawing made according to the principle of silver development, with fire (for the imprint of light) and liquid fixative to produce a random image as a cosmogony.

 Revelation (Cosmogony 3) 

Photo of a drawing made according to the principle of silver development, with fire (for the imprint of light) and liquid fixative to produce a random image as a cosmogony.

 Revelation (Red gerboise) 

Photo of a drawing made according to the principle of silver development, with fire (for the imprint of light) and liquid fixative to produce a random image as a cosmogony.
Photo of a drawing made according to the principle of silver development, with fire (for the imprint of light) and liquid fixative to produce a random image as a cosmogony.

 Revelation (Yellow gerboise) 

Photo of a drawing made according to the principle of silver development, with fire (for the imprint of light) and liquid fixative to produce a random image as a cosmogony.

 Revelation (Blue gerboise) 

© 2023 by Vincent Mesaros and the artists for their published works, all rights reserved.

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