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 Drawing as aims 


Indian ink and back smoke on paper _80/120cm

The scribble, the stain and the soiling respond here in their implementation to an attempt to ennoble gestures commonly perceived as ungrateful. Whether they are casual or accidental, they refer to chaos, that original space of all possible futures. 
The stain, the imprint, the line, the dot, the weft and the run, create a graphic vocabulary that is organised, by accident or simulacrum, in a rhizomic way. "(...) insofar as it is oriented by design, that is to say by a meaning or a finality, which allows for interpretation, I am always tempted to draw the drawing towards the insignificant, that is to say towards the line. (Jacques Derrida). The dot, the minimal unit of the line, stretches as much towards the drawing as it does towards the constituent frame of the printed image. The line, too, constitutes a point of convergence towards the emerging image, its succession drawing an obvious analogy with the wire in the construction of 3D images. In this way, we are given the material to create with all these graphic elements in order to give shape to composite drawings.

Monster drawing in reference to divinatory practices, Indian ink, lampblack, animal viscera prints...
Monster drawing in reference to divinatory practices, Indian ink, lampblack, animal viscera prints...
Monster drawing in reference to divinatory practices, Indian ink, lampblack, animal viscera prints...

The drawing takes root in hidden depths, the line proliferates, the line creates a tree from the void, that of the white page on which a stain, a scribble, a burn or a crumple intervenes. It is a primary state, a cosmogony subject to mental projections. These abstract forms are born from the automatism of a graphic gesture close to a writing with open proposals. The scribble and its proliferation are given as a free expression of the psyche. The material stretches towards the form, vacillates between abstraction and suggestive figuration, in a practice of emergence.

Monster drawing in reference to divinatory practices, Indian ink, lampblack, animal viscera prints...

© 2023 by Vincent Mesaros and the artists for their published works, all rights reserved.

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