High Hopes Projects
_November 13, 1974 _03:15 _112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, Long Island, USA. The two-storey Dutch colonial house built in 1928 becomes the scene of a six-fold murder. Jay Anson seized on this event and wrote The Amityville Horror - A True Story in 1977, which Stuart Rosenberg adapted for the cinema two years later. The story was the subject of a real craze, generating no less than ten film adaptations.
"High Hopes" is the name of this house writing on a sign in the garden.
_In 2014 I undertook a group exhibition of the same name in a private apartment.
_In 2020 I made "Dépouille", a serie of 5 t-shirts printed with the same words and then burned, as well as a series of t-shirts to be worn in exchange for a selfie of the purchaser that I return autographed.

150€ the t-shirt with a selfie of you sent back printed size 13/18cm and signed.

Trophy pelt
Mixed media (burnt cotton and metal hanger)_70/45cm
High Hopes, the place of assumptions _Private Flat _Paris _2014
With Jean-Luc Blanc, Bianca Cassadi, Nicolas Delprat, Vincent Epplay, Jacques Floret, Laurent Friquet, Fabien Granet, Thomas Levy-lasne, Filip Markiewocz, Jonathan Martin, Gérald Panighi, Loïc Raguenes, Emmanuel Régent, Responsable France, Brigitte Zieger ans a selection of Cneai and Editions Daviet-Thery books.