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 Trophy pelt 

Mixed media (burnt cotton and metal hanger)_70/45cm 

November 13, 1974 _03:15 _112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, Long Island, USA. The two-storey Dutch colonial house built in 1928 becomes the scene of a six-fold murder _Ronald Defoe Senior (43 years old), Louise Defeo (42 years old), Dawn Defeo (18 years old), Allison Defeo (13 years old), Marc Defeo (12 years old), John Matthew Defeo (9 years old)_ perpetrated by Ronald Defeo Junior (23 years old).
Jay Anson seized on this event and wrote The Amityville Horror - A True Story in 1977, which Stuart Rosenberg adapted for the cinema two years later. The story was the subject of a real craze, generating no less than ten film adaptations.

"High Hopes" is the name of this house writing on a sign in the garden.

High Hopes, burnt T-shirt in reference to the events in Amityville in 1972

© 2023 by Vincent Mesaros and the artists for their published works, all rights reserved.

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